UP COUNTER(CTU) CTU stands for Count Up Timer, which is a type of electronic timer used to count the number of events that occur and display the result. In a CTU timer, the count value increases by one each time a triggering event occurs, and the timer counts up to a preset maximum value before resetting to zero and starting again. A CTU timer typically consists of a register to store the current count value and a clock input to trigger the counting process. When the clock signal is applied, the counter increments the current count value by one. The new count value is then stored in the register, and the output device such as a display or computer interface displays the current count value. For example, a CTU timer might be used in a factory to count the number of products that pass through a conveyor belt. The CTU timer can be triggered by a sensor detecting the presence of the product, and once the CTU counter reaches the preset maximum value, it can generate an output si...
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